
Various Artists

Kiss Of The Damned

Other Labels



Xan Cassavettes’ acclaimed erotic Euro style vampire tale Kiss Of The Damned, features one of the most talked about soundtracks in recent years.  With it’s French female vampires, timeless mansions and dirty clubs, KOTD provides the ultimate framework for an amazing, eclectic soundtrack.  Dominating the film’s sound are original compositions by guitar virtuoso Steven Hufsteter (Repo Man, Machete), with lush Morricone infused love themes giving way to dark intense synth odysseys breaking into gorgeous baroque pieces, and ripping guitar showdowns, all fit for the most hardcore vampire and soundtrack lovers. Hufsteter’s waves of decadent, sonic tracks are complimented by a few of KOTD’S hand picked needle drops, courtesy of KOTD music supervisor Dina Juntila including the Wiccatastic sounds of psychedelic French high priestess Brigitte Fontaine and London’s dark contemporary chanteuse Jane Weaver. Add the sting of German punk rock heroes Der Fluch and a sensuous and epic borrowed track from Jean Rollin’s Shiver Of A Vampire, by Acanthus and you have a collective audial experience that will surely become a cult classic and a must have for every vinyl collector.  Kiss Of The Damned is truly exciting as both an erotic tone poem and a genuinely thrilling proto-horror drama.
LP includes a 18×24 award winning poster from the film and a digital download card for the album!
Toss in a breathtaking score from Steven Hufsteter (and great source music), and you have a film that is as much a body blow to the senses as it is a true blue horror film.  Criterion Cast
One of the most memorable aspects of Kiss Of The Damned is perhaps the least-likely place of all – it’s killer soundtrack. Steven Hufsteter’s score for the film is excellent: a love letter to the synth of many of the greatest horror films from the 70s.
